how abouts an 8 man tourney for number 1 contenders and set it out as such (all examples) im gonna call it Agressive Open
Week 1 Straight out Knockout
Magic Vs Duke - Magic
Bushido Vs Katana - Katana
Johnny Vs Sixxx - Johnny
Judas Vs Flex Johnson - Judas
Week 2 Pick a Manager
Magic (With Bushido) Vs Katana (with Duke) - Magic
Johnny (With Flex) Vs Judas (With Sixxx) - Judas
Week 3 Special Referee
Magic Vs Judas (special ref Bully) - Judas
Week 4 Title Lumberjack match
Judas Vs Bully in lumberjack match where all 7 of the other participents are the losers of the Aggressive open... others can also be in fights that match too but this match would have to come after all of those
all names and matches are changable