1. What is Your First name? Josh
2. What scar is most obvious on your body and how did you get it? I got one on my knee...I got it from a Polar Dip, you aussies wouldn't know what it is, but it's when you jump into a body of water when it is cold as tits outside
3. How old are you? 16
4. How would you describe your music genre? Rock N' Roll
5. what is your occupation? Student/Government Worker
6. Do you easily lose things or are you organized? Well...considering I have 2 concussions...I lose alto of shit xD
7. Do you own the computer that you are using now and if yes how much did it cost? Yea, like $800 lol
8. Do you have any fears? Physics tests
9. what country were you Born? Canada
10. what really makes you angry? Papercuts
11. What is the longest you have Tagged with anyone on TWG?
12. What is your party trick? Where I take my arm and distort it into the weirdest angles
13. In what country do you live now? Canada
14. Who is the all time best television role model? That Sam guy off of Billable Hours...funnisest thing ever xD
15. How long have you been a wrestling fan? bout 7 years
16. What film would you recommend people to watch the most? Transformers 2, fuckin' eh!
17. Which Celebrity do you feel least deserves the title of celebrity? Lindsay Lohan, she's done nothing but go crazy Lesbo over that sam chick xD
18. What is your relationship status? Single
19. What languages can you speak? English, and very poor french xD
20. Is life too short for regrets? Not that I can think of
21. What is your favourite saying? Fuckin' eh!
22. what is your ethnic background? One big hairy mother fucker
23. If you could be one of GM, VGM, Mod or Helper. what would you be and why? Well...I was already a GM and VGM, I'm currently a helper and thats pretty good, I get free supporter xD
24. if on death row, what would your last meal be? The warden's wife ;P
25. Including this one, how many of the 25 questions did you answer (**/25)?
25/25, I win